
  1. Abe Doliente

    Excellent blog. You know what? A lot of people may want to pick your brain. What I need is a brain transplant with you as the donor. Again, I thank you so much for all these bits of information that you are very willing to share with all of us. God bless you.,

  2. Diane Steffen

    Excellent. Gave me a new way to look/think about setting up my site.Now all I have to do is think like you. No easy feat.
    Keep these great posts coming.

  3. Isobel Jacobs

    Thank you for a very insightful lesson I found it very helpful.


  4. Larry

    Hi Anthony,
    I just watched my first Blog #51 Writing Killer Ads. I am very impressed with your desire to assist your members with excellent information so we can all be successful. This blog helped me look at writing ads a little differently, Thanks!

  5. Miguel

    Hi Anthony, I’m reading your book “Advertising Profits from Home” and all this videos are very helpful as a complement of everything I’m learning. Thank you for sharing with us.

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