
  1. barb sarsfield

    Thank you for this announcement. Keep up the marvelous trainings.
    Congradulations to Steve Anderson.

  2. K. K. Kumaroo

    SC #155 is a wonderful presentation. Very often money-hungry big corporations forget the part played by the little people in the organization

  3. Pamela Storr

    To Anthony:

    This week it was great, and of course every week it is great.

    I lie to learn more, but the only problem is money at this time of my life.

    I am trying to learn more.

  4. James Ivy

    Excellent insight Anthony take it by baby steps not all at one time. It reminds me of like the use of an camera just a sneek peak!

  5. Jane M

    Hi Anthony,
    I totally agree with you on working on the small things to succeed. With my affiliate marketing, I do a number of split testing from changing a few words in my ad copy and/or title, changing pictures, and target keywords/URLs. The same goes with my career. While everyone in my team focuses on the everyday work production and customer service, I am in charge of making sure we have the correct signs, ingredients, prices, and dates for each product.


    Go Steve:

    Hopefully, someday soon my turn will come. Congratulations.


  7. Leonard Perez

    I like lessons like this one. For every large/medium task we do there are many small one’s that have to be completed before the task is realized. The degree of success of these tasks can be affected when one or more of these small tasks are omitted. For example, a missile was being tested somewhere in the world. As you might expect, there are many small steps that have to be completed that include putting the vehicle in the right position, electronics checks, getting a target and in this case waiting for the large crowd to be seated. Everything seemed to go fine, the three man crew was all over the weapon system checking everything. And signaled all systems go, Then the fire command, and as the missile started down range there was a large synchronized gasp from the crowd, one of the crew members shouted “WOW!” the second looked in disbelief and the third was running away, The missile fired perfectly, but right away the small step that was missed became very apparent. The missile went down range carrying the missile launcher, the small step, take off the straps securing the missile was missed. That small step destroyed the mission of the missile and changed the mission of the launcher; I actually watched this on film. Have a good day and don’t forget the little things.



  9. Pearle Pearson

    Anthony, I am sure whoever the winner is, he/she is a deserving
    recipient. Of course we all (the entire class) hoped to be the lucky
    participant; We also knew that this could not be. .For me to have been the
    chosen one,. would have helped me to open so many closed doors, due to inadequate funds, and to accomplish some of the personal goals I had set . Nonetheless, I will continue working to succeed ;;;,; place more
    emphasis on traffic for website . And last, but not least, continue
    ro educate myself,

  10. Vantina Christmas

    Hi Anthony,

    You are so right it’s the small things that count. Congrats to the winner!

    I am still interested, but not moving in the right direction yet. I do want an aha

    Moment in 2013! God bless you for your info.

  11. norman rambow

    Congratulations MR Anderson..

    Anthony…Thanks again….You most definitely have hit the nail on the head with your analogy.. cute door. 😎 But the door is one aspect . as the hinges and the knob. In order to open the door you must first walk to it ,, reach out and grasp the doorknob.. The slowly turn and allow the door to swing on the hinges that support it.. then walk toward or access to what is behind the door.

    You vision>> The door is the opportunity for success. The door knob is the Key and the tools that ones acquires by applying what you have been taught along the pathway of learning to get you to this point.. The hinges, represent the applications, ads, effort, emails, submitted to the internet for the ability receive success.. exciting as they represent Your instructions, teachings tools and diligence in wanting or desiring to achieve success. The final steps to enter relate to what has been learned, put into action, repeated over and over again. So you turn the knob…Then with the excitement to finally advance. So you push the door with the weight of experience to see what your rewards will be for the success and what comes with it. Another step another doorway but open which is an Entrance to the Stairs which lead up.

  12. melody

    Hello Anthony. Sorry I didn’t leave comments or questions but I was to busy doing what you taught us to do in our classes

  13. Beverley Gallimore

    Thanks Anthony,

    I realize how much the little things contribute to the overall success of our efforts. I have taken a step back and am dealing with the basics again, to build up to what I want to do when I can really afford it. I am going about this in a different way now that works a little better for me, but may not seem like progress initially. I will keep you updated.


  14. Bill Munro


    Another great lesson. I guess that so many of us concentrate on the big
    items and tend to overlook the little things that can help in our success.
    It all makes perfect sense. I look forward to more of your teachings. In
    the meantime, I’m going to try some PPV Marketing using your software.

    To Everyone’s Success,

    Bill Munro

  15. Speransia Bizimana

    Congratulations to Steve. Anthony thank you for the tips. I think, I am a winner too because what I am learning from you is eyes opening. I am going to keep learning. I will start from bottom and hoping to reach up there.


  16. Mike

    Very informative, please keep the information coming. I really enjoy it.

  17. Rosa Nelson

    Hello Anthony,

    This is a really good tip. Paying attention to the little things does make big things happen. We will be looking close at our business about this.


    Rosa Nelson

  18. Sharon

    It is a great help to know the small details, like how to write the ad. I’m glad, Anthony, that you can be so generous – with your knowledge – and riches. This week, and last week, I do not see the place to click on Facebook or Twitter. They were there for a lot of previous Success Connections.

  19. Brian Borders

    I agree in any business, the small things we
    Don’t pay attention to drive the engine.

  20. Dario Orozco

    Very good example about the little things that we should not ignore. I will definitely keep it in mind while doing the business. Thank you Anthony.

  21. Carl Sacks

    The Thursday night seminar was great. I need to be able to stop the presentation in order to make myself a set of instructions. Is that possible? Where might I be able to see this seminar again. URL or link in an email would work.

    Carl S

  22. w.durante

    good………………..why not teach how to send email step by step
    I watch all videos……….have most of your software

  23. Stella Marie

    hi Anthony,
    I believe I have not really found my niche on this internet marketing business Does knowing what the needs,wants or probably would purchase be the best way to start on promoting on your email list? ..I have built my email list and after learning tips will try Aweber to try sending what I can promote ..I find that your area is coaching and helping those that had taken a hold of your books. At this point I can only see items like hosting, web design, , etc. on the initial site that you have assigned . Before we used to have consumer products most people use ,want, and ultimately purchase. On the list it also itemized how much we get or earn…did this changed? Please let me know how to start all over again. I really need coaching like I see mst people do. Thanks!

  24. Gina Amos

    Hey thanks for teaching me. Maybe I haven’t been wording everything right. I’ll try to change it this week.


  25. Consuela Williams

    Watching this video has renewed my motivation to succeed. I am going to make it work for 2013. I have cinfidence that I can generate some traffic on my site by being creative!

  26. Donna M

    Been watching webinars, thanks Anthony you give a lot of insight.

  27. Steve Johannes

    Whenever I listen to the way you present, I am amazed at your sincerity, in the way you want to help people. I always leave feeling better than I was, prior to listening. Keep up the great work you do!

  28. Akin

    Just wanted to congratulate all the winners !!
    that was very nice of him to give away $1,000.00.
    I am sure the video is very motivational.

  29. Theresa Smith

    That’s super. It is like eating an elephant in small bites. Don’t focus on the big elephant ,focus on the value of all the parts. This is not an indictment of elephants, just the process.
    God bless

  30. Inam Ullah

    Hi Anthony
    Thanx for the announcement .How i can get benefit of your expertise.

    Please guide me Thanks

  31. Chris Nweke

    I thank you for quality information and training. Also God bless you for your
    encouragement to your students. I believe that my day is coming when you will select me as a winner. Keep on the good work. God is going to reward you and put you to level you never expected in your life. You have put God first in your life by helping the poor and those that are needy. Be blessed in more abundance – Amen.

  32. Natalie Lee

    Congrats Steve Anderson!!! Wishing I were you right about now ; ) Will keep working my online biz until it’s successful w/ Anthony’s fab training!

  33. Henrique Nyankale

    Hi Anthony,
    You and your brother, Adrian, are wonderful people. I am very impressed at the way you are trying to encourage us to do the affiliate marketing business in a better way. As for the $1,000.00 winner award, I say, congratulaons to Steve, and thank you, Anthony, for establishing such an award. It encourages us to know that those who follow your advice do really succeed. I am more encouraged.

  34. Larry Schmitz

    Thank you for your training. I also appreciate that you are emailing me last years success connections since I was not around with you last year. Thanks again.

  35. marla

    Dear Anthony, I like to thank you for sharing today. I am sorry I haven’t kept up with all this. I never thought of the small hinges with the door and it is very interesting notion.

  36. aida nielsen

    i am a mom with 4 kids i am working hard to knowledge your program. some day i will get it with your help and god help and god bless thank you so much Anthony.

  37. Eddy Mc Locklin

    Hi Anthony I am learning from your success connection teachings. Keep up the great work.

  38. David Tunison

    Pay close attention to detail, a small piece of the big puzzle!

  39. Bonnie Nilsson

    Wow.. great stuff you ROCK and are helping us all get to higher ground. Thanks for the great teaching!!!

  40. Susan Marcoux

    This is good. Simple and on target. I am slowly putting the pieces together.
    Of course everyone wants to be an overnight success but a strong, beautifully designed building is only as good as its foundation. Cheers

  41. Shirley G-K

    Way to go Steve! Congratulations!

    Thanks again, Anthony for keeping us motivated.


  42. Cecilia

    Anthony, Please continue. I usually watch the videos a little late but I do watch the Success Connections and respond. I am always in the learning mode. The SWA is awesome. I thank you for what you are doing to help others.

  43. James Waters

    Thanks Anthony for the reminder about the little things.We do tend to overlook those things,.

  44. Susan Marcoux

    It’s always the small things that matter. You’ve likely heard that old adage, ‘take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves’.
    Inevitably in life, relationships of any nature, it’s the small straw that breaks the camels back! Thanks, Sue

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