I Miss My Brother

Author: admin Entrepreneurship, Motivation

So you’re probably thinking to yourself huh? What in the world does that subject line have to do with marketing, my blog or helping you for that matter. I know it seems kinda out there, but if you’ll read the rest of this post you will understand why “I miss my brother” is such a powerful statement that YOU can learn from immediately. What you learn from this statement can help you generate money in more than just one way. I am going to examine “the ways” to generate money from this statement for you, right now:

1. Engage Your Social Connections – Ok so you’re probably still thinking to yourself huh? Here’s the deal I was up late thinking to myself “man I really miss my brother” the other night so I decided to jump on Facebook and just let everyone know what I was thinking. It’s rare for me to do something like that as I typically keep my Facebook posts business related or at least marketing related. The next day I hop on Facebook and BAM! I have over 80 “likes” on that comment already. Typically that wouldn’t be such a big deal, but with all the changes Facebook has made lately my “likes” have been dwindling like crazy. What was so insane to me is that I made a post the day before about “get your free software” and I didn’t even get 50% of the Facebook likes! This taught me something (and it should teach you the same thing) and that is Facebook and social media shouldn’t be used “only” for business IF you truly want to engage your audience. You absolutely MUST let them know who you are, be personal and actually interact with them. So if you want fans or followers that actually listen to what you have to say it’s probably a good idea to interact on a more personal level. Lesson learned.

2. Clearing Your Mind Creates Masterful Ideas – When something is just weighing on your mind it’s hard to be creative. I suppose that is a bit of a “duh” comment to make, but for me it’s something I didn’t fully realize. Not seeing my brother has been weighing on my mind quite heavily of late. I use to see him literally every single day and now we go sometimes 3 weeks without even seeing each other. It was bothering me a lot more than I thought it was apparently. Once I went and spent some time with him, and made a commitment to myself that I will not go weeks without seeing him again, my mind completely cleared. I’ve been able to work all day and stay focused and I actually fell asleep last night pretty easily, which I haven’t done in awhile. Lesson learned.

3. Seeing Your Family Isn’t Optional – I’ve been burning myself out lately. I have always said “make time for family as well as business”, however, I don’t always live by what I teach. That isn’t a good thing (if it’s good enough for me to teach it well it ought to be good enough for me to live by it) but I am a bit hard headed when it comes to getting work done. I have so many goals, so many aspirations and want so much out of life that sometimes I just push everything aside because I am focused like a laser beam. BAD IDEA. I can’t tell you how much better I feel now that I just spent some time with my brother and the rest of my family. I realize (yet again) that they are far more important than my work, but it’s easy to forget that if you never let your mind process what your doing. I’m even taking a week off to visit Washington, Dc with my girlfriend… she loves “politics” and has always wanted to visit DC. I promised her we would go last June…. a year and a half later I am going to fulfill that promise. Yet another Lesson learned.

So you see what you can learn from this statement? I am sure these things are happening in your lives right now so my advice is don’t make the same mistakes I have made here lately. Hopefully this helps you avoid the little rut I had myself in and keeps your mind free and clear so you can really focus on what’s important in your life.


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  1. Dennis R. Ward

    Anthony, when I signed up on Facebook, my Profile was about me, but I also should have put in it about my business about being an Affitiate Marketer. I’ll be doing that now.

  2. Shirley Walthour

    My nearly 81 years old mother had a cardiologic procedure done recently; I have been with her attending to her care, etc. Her doctor projected that it will be 4-5 weeks to healing. Someone has to attend her so that she does not over exert herself while recovering….
    I have gotten way off track, but I want to continue my studies to get my online business set up and working. Hopefully, I will be back on track in a few more weeks.
    My observation is that you have a wonderful business program and your interest in your students’ success surpasses other learning programs I have seen.

  3. Amy

    I miss my brother too. but he has always been there for me. He is happily married and doing well by the grace of God!

  4. Jerry Arichabala

    This is some great stuff you shared anthony! Lets continue to be the ones to make the change and have others join our passion for unity and prosperity!

  5. Patricia Cotton

    Great article and very inspiring. People always want and like to know that there are human sides to their leaders or those they admire.

    Well done.


  6. Jared

    I dd like this very much…it is a good reminder of what really matters in life. Money and Success are nice and desirable.
    At the end of the day, it is people that count.

  7. Theodore Seavy

    You are right Anthony. We need to balance our lives, family should come first, followed by work and play. Some times this takes planning,just like planning to succeed with affiliate programing.

  8. Peter

    Yes it did. It taught me:
    1. The value of relationship in business.
    2. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

  9. Oliver Morgan

    Hi, Anthony:

    I just read “Miss My Brother” and was really touched by it. I have always found it easy to part from friends and family with a family move. When I get to the new digs I get wrapped up in all the newness and job situation ( I was a Band Director for 38 years) and found that I was not maintaining contact with left-behind friends and relatives (even my own kids). Thanks to your message I’m going to contact my son, whom I haven’t seen or talked to for about 5 years TODAY! Thanks for the msg and the boot where it does the most good.


  10. edward

    I truly believe that business should not coincide However the information of a business, eight er the venture, ideal, and or concept is OK because when people know you, and you present them with an ideal already done then they can do two things reject it or like it. As I did on face book I have family on there and friends 20 and growing and I post scripture and music as well as Anthony Morrison post weekly or affiliate programs as I will do with this one and I have continue to explain that if they want to make some pocket money then they need to try this program it works because I’am doing it.. I know people are seeing it, if it be today or next week, months or year I planted this ideal in their heads as I do with the scripture after awhile people read what is so interesting for me to put on my Facebook that it peeks their interest and they become interested that is how I believe. it might take a little longer but word of mouth is the best advertising trust me

  11. Tammy

    This introduction made me click-thru to read why you missed your
    brother. I, too, miss my brother; and I thank you for reminding me
    to stay close to my family, whom I have neglected seeing lately.
    Being up-front and real is a good key to reaching others; whether
    in business or with our personal acquantices.

    Great reminder for you and for me. Thank you!


  12. LaTroy King

    Thanks Anthony great stuff here,I will work on this aspect of the effort.

  13. Rhonda

    Anthony, you are so right. I go months without seeing my Mom and brother and it does weigh on you. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get more time with your family.

    Lots Of Love,

  14. Fred E. Thompson Jr.

    I enjoyed the the blog, it gave me a great deal to think about, in my case that is a really tough nut to crack. However I shall work on it.
    I do believe I am with you on Facebook, Twitter, and last but certainly not least Anthony Live.I am so new that I pray my friends over look my mistakes until I catch up withe the past 20+ years.

    Fred & Hyunsou

  15. Ray Davis

    Awesome post, Anthony, and a great insight. What I love about you is how willing you are to share who you are, greatness and flaws alike, so that the rest of us can learn. That is the trait of a leader. Thank you!

  16. Jeff M.

    This is good insight. Shows even the master must keep learning and growing. Thanks for sharing. Please keep it up.

  17. Joyce Knake

    Yes, I understand completely. I don’t always do it but I understand. I know that as I am floundering in this sea of opportunities and not sure what to do next that I need to get up from the computer and go do something else for a few minutes. Go out side or have a cup of coffee and regenerate. It’s hard to stay focused when I’m my own boss.. It’s good for me to set goals for everyday and STICK to them.

  18. Laurel

    Yes, family is very important. My family and I have lived far apart for many years. It’s tough. There’s so many ways to stay in ’emotional’ contact when physical contact isn’t always available. Good that you remembered.

  19. Lisa Weintraub


    This was the most attention-getting email headliner you’ve sent to me in the past two years! I lost my brother to AIDS in 1993. When he died he was only 28 years-young. Yesterday was his birthday. He would have been 47 years-old. So, I really really miss him…

    Thank you for realizing, and reminding us, how important social connections and family connections are. Yes, our business is important but it does not count for anything if there is no one to share it with 🙂

    Warmest regards,


  20. terrence

    I feel you my friend, ALWAYS PRACTISE WHAT U PREACH. I’m still following all your video’s on getting started and focusing. It’s not hard to loose track of family, but like you i’m just trying to not only get things going, but also done.Going over all the materials and video’s, my mind was getting cloudy and needed a break, so i too took a time out even though i was to scared too. But your right, i took that break and the mind is alot more clearer and catching on alot easier to your program. I NEED THIS TO WORK FOR ME especially the way todays economy is.In closing, MY MIND IS PROCESSING WHAT I’M DOING and i thank you and your program and team, hang in there we need you my friend, Terrence your future success story.

  21. Susan Silva

    Awesome! I too, have been learning to balance everything in my life and not let one area get neglected. Write down the five most important things (including people) to you in order, then write down what percentage of your time is spent doing something related to that thing or person. My numbers didn’t match my priorities at all! Things are getting better since I took that quick test. Now I need to figure out how to get my website up and going!

  22. terrence

    I feel you my friend, ALWAYS PRACTISE WHAT U PREACH. I’m still following all your video’s on getting started and focusing. It’s not hard to loose track of family, but like you i’m just trying to not only get things going, but also done.Going over all the materials and video’s, my mind was getting cloudy and needed a break, so i too took a time out even though i was to scared too. But your right, i took that break and the mind is alot more clearer and catching on alot easier to your program. I NEED THIS TO WORK FOR ME especially the way todays economy is.In closing, MY MIND IS PROCESSING WHAT I’M DOING and i thank you and your program and team, hang in there we need you my friend, Terrence your future success story.

  23. Wanda Hamm

    Hi Anthony, just wanted to say that this does help.I regret to say that I have not really gotten started on my website yet. My father has been in @ out of the hospital the last couple of months. He went in to have gall bladder surgery and found out that he has liver cancer.It was really a shock since he see his doctors reguarly.They say that he only has a few months left,but our father above is the only one who knows when our time is up,so I’m not gonna give up! I’m sorry that I haven’t started on this yet, just have had alot going on.But, I know I can do this, because really want to.I need to create an income for my family also.I was laid off from my job last year@my husband is not able to work,he hurt his a couple of years ago.I have to do this.Thanks for all you do for your employees.I can tell that you are a caring person.That’s ahrd to find in this world today,so thanks again.Wanda

  24. Carolyn Heck-Derton

    Really liked your blog and learned what I always knew, but sometimes forget to do. Will do better!!!!

  25. Toby Hutchens

    I am 40 years old my first son is 22,I worked away his entire childhood. Now I have a 3 year old son, I have been with him since day one. I realize what I having missed out on and wouldn’t trade this time for nothing.

  26. Dave Finlay

    I understand that there is going to be in Anthony Morrison Presentation in the Monroeville area and wondered if it would be possible for me to attend? Thank you, Dave

  27. Jeff

    I am 60 years old now and can appreciate your comments about family much more than when I was your age. Congratulations on coming to this realization and actually acting on it. Money isn’t everything, though it can provide opportunities to help others. Relationships are what endure. And that is a basic Biblical truth.

  28. Deb Herber

    You’re right….the “I miss my brother” got my attention too!
    As a group….we like the “personal touch” best! 🙂
    Thanks for helping us stay engaged, and focused! 😉


  29. Daniel

    Hey Anthony that was good reading and most definetly true, so I guess we will hear more from each other “stronger bonds last longer”. Dan

  30. James Kahalewai

    Anthony……….My family means a lot to me and I love them very much. I will do all I can to to assist and help them. My ultimate goal is to establish a family educational perpetual fund. “YES” I believe you are your brother’s keeper…………Thanks for all the training……….Jimmy K.

  31. Kent

    Just spent several days with my younger brother that has been struggling with some issues related to the economy…he’s losing a lot of “things” in his life right now…it was good being with him even if for only a few days to let him know he’s loved and of much worth. It’s good for all of us to reach out, no matter what the situation. Thanks for your message.

  32. Ron

    I also miss my family, and I get to see my daughter, son in law, and 3 grandchildren only 3 to 4 times a year since they live app. 2800 miles away in Phoenix, so I know where you’re comming from. That why I’m out here in Phoeniex this week spending a few days enjoying their company.

  33. Loreto E Torres

    Being much of a loner most of the time missing my family is not the foremost in my mind. But seeing your email and reading your blog made me realize that “I miss my siblings, too.”.

    My parents died a quite a few years ago and my two brothers and my sister are living our living our separate lives in different states. I haven’t seen them for quite a while.

    Being single, they are my only immediately family. Missing them just adds another motivation for me to build a solid foundation for my business. I want to be able to create freedom and the time to visit them.

  34. harry sampson

    hi anthony ,

    I have lost all my brothers we were four i am the only one left , i also lost my
    MOM and DAD . SO i know what u are talking about. Good job.GOD IS GOOD.I need some help to post my ads on your affiliate marketing panel.

    THANKS so much.


  35. Jessie Littlejohn

    I understand fully what you are saying. I have plenty IF ONLY!! I miss the human interaction.The least little thing puts me into the The Sky is Falling.

  36. james williams

    hello anthomy, it was very refreshing to read that your brother is really an integral part of your life-even moreso now that you have come to realize it. i have a son that lives about 12 miles from me and we talk by phone al most every night. we both love sports and we have have some very good teams here in the bay area of northern calif.- both college and professional.we even have lunch together every thursday. it is a very good feeling for me to have him say dad, i need your opinion on something. i’m really glad for both you and your brother. jim williams

  37. roy spurling

    Wow!!!! My brother owns his own company an he moved it to his property. I miss him very much but /w/ no wheels I can’t go an see him cause he lives too far away. So ya family is really important in a persons life I don’t post on Facebook very often that’s gonna change bra thanks.

  38. Luis A. Deleza

    Anthony, Great blog
    You are exactly right about being bussiness savy, but also keep family
    values present all the time. Anthony you hit this one out of the park blog!
    Another lesson learned.

  39. Dannah

    I’m glad you are able to go and see your brother. Some day I will be able to go see mine too!

  40. Linda

    Yes, I do agree because at the end only being kind is what really matters. But everything is added after following our true counselor from above. Jesus. He taught us to serve him first and everything else will be added to us. I have one brother in a family of 4 girls. He put up with girls all his life ha ha. He’s a great brother. Who now helps out my mom as she is getting older now.
    I miss my brother reminded me of the schools way of helping students remember things. Thanks much- we only e-mail each other every now and then.

  41. Linda Cress

    This is true. I miss my Brother. He passed away and that makes it even harder, but you are on the right track. Family is most important and then all other stuf comes next.

  42. Audrey Kroll

    Hi Anthony, Thanks for the E- mail Re: missing youyr Brother. I, agree with you that NOTHING is as imnportant as your family. It is refreshing to know someone like you that , in spite of your tremendous success, are still a great human being!

  43. Christina Starr

    I miss my brother too. I have 2 brothers but the one died in a house fire at the age of 16. I do miss him. My other brother I haven’t seen in 2 years. I miss him too but I don’t know where he is living.

  44. Roy

    Thanks so much for the informational thoughts, it does clear you mind and gives you a good feeling after talking or visiting your family.

  45. Ramon

    Interesting topic; I to have missed my youngest brother. He has recently re- retired from the Air Force. Now he has decided to come back to the east coast to live and raise his three children.(stair steps) full of energy.
    I’m going to leave it at that.
    There are eleven of us 6 guys and 5 gals. Though most are spread out all around the country, we stay in contact with each other. There’s never a dull moment.
    So Anthony I agree with you, keep in touch with your family members.

  46. Betty

    Dear Anthony, Your e-mail really got my attention, as it made a good point. I thought Your Brother passed away, reason for that at the first part of the e-mail it sounded like it. I recently loss Two of my younger Brothers to cancer. I started crying because of your grief. Please keep God and Your Family First. Without them Life is not complete. I have tried a very long time to get a job working from home through your program, but I never had the investment upfront and I could always depend on my Brothers for anything, but most of all their Love and their outlook on Life with Great Personalities. I’am a Widow and I’m not financially able to hardly pay what I have coming. So Anthony please keep God and Family as close as your breath. God Bless and keep Healthy, Hopefully still a friend in Jesus Name Betty

  47. Beverly Myers

    I miss my brother also. This about the time he comes for a visit each year. In February he went into the hospital for a few days. He had fallen and hit his head. Contacted C-diff in the hospital and 5 days later was gone. It was a shock to all of us and his humor and love is missed. Thanks for the love you have for your brother.

  48. Mavi Isaza

    Anthony, in my case is just the opposite, being a single mom, I am always making sure that I am taking good care of my child that when is time to do my business, I am usually so tired that I just do a little bit of it which is frustrating, bu I believe in the business just because you are an honest person and if it works for you it has to work for us. 🙂
    Thanks for all you do.

  49. Amanda Goodluck

    You got that right. Social relationships first, business later. I personally believe that when our social needs are taken care of all other things will fall into place automathically.

  50. Scott J.Van Giesen

    As always I enjoyed the part -you being real & that you are attatched to family . That was the way I was brought up we were told alot we were to learn to love each other & learn to get along & love one another . I know real people respond to that & forsure they will make the most loyal customers more like friends as you treat them as they should be treated . Again as you spoke of important things we should take care of & at times get busy & put them off & they lay in our thoughts & not allow us to focus on the job ,basically over flowing our plates we aren’t focused as we need, so like when we ask Him to lighten our load & carry some of it as its too heavy for us ,we need to do some of that our selves by reaching out & keeping in touch with the one s
    dear to us . THX Again !!!

  51. dennis

    thank you anthony for all you do and for giving us an opprotunity to help ourselves and our children in this crazy world we live in.

  52. Judi O

    Wow! That is sooo right, when I talk to people on my facebook about business I now realize that the response isn’t as great as when I’m talking about family… Thanks Anthony for that insight..

  53. Steve Yaroslaski

    I am sixty and have five kids. We get together on Mondays for movie night and get together for lunch on Sundays. I can not tell you how wonder full it is . Next to God family is.

  54. Ann Murigu

    A wonderful reminder. Am supposed to have called my Mom by now but i have been postponing it every day c/o am too busy. Thanks for the awakening.

  55. Michael Bates

    I found this to be on the $$$$$. It is hard to pass up an opening statement like this. Within seconds my thoughts went to my brother that I don’t get to see enough. That led to thoughts of all my family AND friends and the relationships that I have failed to cultivate and maintain because the world and everything in it became priority #1. Time to put things in proper perspective and that feels like tons lifted from my load. Thank you!

  56. Sylvia

    Sooo many family members, so little time. Not just work but life’s struggles make it difficult to keep up with family members. I live in the same city as MOST of my family (5 sisters-3 brothers as well as my Mom & Dad) and I rarely see them. Thanks for sharing and I will make it a point to fix that part of my life asap. Thank you Anthony for sharing!

  57. Trena

    What an attention grabber; thank you Anthony for your personal touch! you continue to impress me by your very practical approach.

    Trena :o}

  58. Barbara McKinnon

    I live in the same city as my sister and haven’t seen her in a while. Thanks for reminding me to get in touch with her.Great lesson.

  59. Cindy Brown

    Anthony, this is one of the many things that makes you successful…You are a genuine person and it shows in everything you do! Your parents must be very proud 🙂

  60. Michelle

    Hi! This is my first time on here. I really liked your blog. It echo’s how I feel about my family. I am a single mom and think my relationship with my children is the most important thing I will ever have. Along with my siblings of which I have 4 one of whom passed away. I believe you have to make time for the people in your life because you don’t know how long you will have them..Thanks for the reminder

  61. Tai Piahana

    Hi Anthony I love your style your mannerism your great focus and vision for the future and I will always be your brother we all belong to the great designer and creator of all mankind

  62. Bill Kearns

    Anthony, Thanks for shareing, your right on track, we need to remember our families more and realize there are leads and opportunities everywhere…….Bill Kearns

  63. Sue Duenser

    Anthony- having more time with family at a time when my official job is ending is my goal. I WILL be a good affiliate marketer- with small goals first then bigger and better. Looking forward to my mentor training next week.

  64. Patsy Cuson

    I talk to one on my brothers every 2 or 3 days; when we are busy we let each other know what we are doing that would prevent us from having time to have our phone visits and set a time when we will be available again to talk. Randy lives in West Texas. I live in South Metro Atlanta, Georgia. Our hearts are connected.

  65. Aleaise

    Family is one of the most important precious gift a person can have. I always promise my friend who I always talk to everyday but very seldom go and visit her that I would just come and spent some time with her. years have went by and no visit and one day I told myself today is the day I pick up a movie and a nice meal and it was the best time ever. Lesson learned you only get to know a person when you spend time with them and tomorrow may be to late do it today

  66. Cravenell

    Anthony ! Now I miss my sister…and parents along with other family and friends so so much!

  67. Karen

    You made me miss my son and his family which is on the other side of the US. I can’t travel so guess I’ll just go on missing them. You are a good teacher and I’ll continue to learn from you. Thank you.

  68. Pollie Witherspoon

    Hi Anthony, Just remember God created Family first. so its O.K if you miss your brother. Relationship is very important, keep in touch, tell Adrian I said hello. That is one of the reasons I want to get started, Because of my family. Trying to stay focus. thank you.

  69. caver

    I don’t have a brother but I keep in close contact with my sister. We are both getting on in years and keeping in close contact is a blessing to both of us.

  70. Alice

    Very great post!!! It just basically represents the fact that family should be the number one priority before business.What I learned from your story, was that you tugged on people’s heart strings & they responded.

  71. Donald J.

    Thank you for sharing that you also have put work ahead of family and friends, and have changed; this is a lesson to me.

    I am now going to make an effort to spend more time with family/friends. It will be time well spent and can make
    me more relaxed to do my work; and get it done in less time because I am less stressed.

    I agree with you and like what you have said.

  72. Kevin Mack

    I do not know if you read all of these or not, but I am still trying to get the hang of this thing you all call Likes and Tweets. Anyway, yes, I feel your pain in this particular aspect. I have yet to activate the website you gave us, for me to even see how this statement can help me with the business.

  73. Carl Hampton

    Don’t have the website yet. Will have it up in a day or two. As to your email, the personal touch is best. I am starting to use facebook. I never used facebook until about 4 weeks ago. I am putting a blog on facebook tomorrow about Project Eliminate, Kiwanis/unicef project. Look for my blog.

  74. Tammy Ruegsegger

    Anthony, I miss my brother too, anyway the person he used to be. Life has given him a few knocks, some by his own choice and he has changed. I still love him, but miss the down home funny smarty pants he used to be. Lesson learned.

  75. Clara Leake

    Family is extremely important to me. Thanks to my parents who drummed that into my brain from early childhood. We are four sisters. We lost a sister 9 yrs ago, but sometimes I feel she’s with me in spirit. Missing your brother is a good thing,

  76. Larry Fennelly

    Anthony-wow did that help me! I have some changes going on at work and I have not been able to put all the hours into my classroom time. What i missed out was the time I didn’t spend with my fianc’e who has to suffer through my long work hours and then my my classroom time-(alot). Need to let her know there’s a bright light at the end of the tunnel.THANX!!

  77. chet

    GOOD CASE IN POINT my problem is that I am waiting for my family to get here I been in Phoenix 3 yrs and 8 months to get my VA Disability. I am from New York City also my daughter and son n law past 6 and 7 yrs ago and wit my kids grands the wife makes 13 of us so its been tough on me once they get here it will be better I ger 70 disability and theY take it all so i really have no money to pay and lost money on these online buisn but u seem genuine I will hang in there MAY GOD BLESS U ANTHONY

  78. Lamar

    I enjoyed your article. To be able to spend time with family and loved ones and still be successful in my own business would be a nice balance.


  79. RICH




  81. Darren Utke Aka "The Real Deal" Mentor

    Hey Anthony, Great Post here and I can totally relate. I too am guilty of being too focused on the Marketing side and am working on sharing more on the personal level. Keep up the Amazing Work!

    Have a AWESOME Day on Purpose!

    With Purpose!

    Darren Utke Aka “The Real Deal” Mentor

  82. Larry

    Thanks Anthony for always being motivating. Thank you always. Keep those messages coming and never stop.

  83. Diane (eeldi) Lee

    Yes, it helps to understand that you can’t always be business. You got to show you are human at times. I like this kind of teaching too.

  84. Jeremiah Afong

    With all things that goes on in one’s life, it is easy to put some part of your life on the back seat as you progress through life. Trying to keep a balance can be a challenge.

  85. Deanna Martin

    Yes Anthony, Family should always come first. Very important. Everything else will fall into place.
    Thanks for all the great info.Deanna

  86. Maggie


    I almost cried as I read. I know about you and your family and how hard you have worked. Love goes a long way. I’m sure your brother loves you and appreciates you also. Pass it on!!
    Maggie V.

  87. Kaye Hutton

    I can totaly identify with your comments! My family is invaluable to me and when we are seperated from each other it is hard.
    You are blessed to have such a close knit family!

  88. Doug Macdonald

    Familia, The Italians have lived by it for years. As a near death survivor, I appreciate family and friends on a daily basis. A lesson well learned by all.

  89. J Hawkins

    It appears you hit on a good nerve. Being a real person instead of just a” business” makes ppl have more trust in what you have to offer. I know God made the family next in line after Him for a very good reason,so good work on your post. J.

  90. Jacqu1e

    Thanks for the reminder! I work full time, am in school and attempting to do internet marketing and it seems as if there isn’t enough time in a day. Did I mention, I have a family? Thanks again.

  91. Darlene

    I understand when you say that because I miss my sisters. it did help .

  92. Laura McCullough

    Thank you, Anthony! My True Confession: I had tucked away quite a few of your emails in a folder without even opening them–until “I Miss My Brother” came along. Partly curiosity. I found it heart-warming and inspiring!

    I’ve been on an extended break from the program this past month because of attending to my hubby through some heart disease events. THAT brought our 5 grown children to attention, however–a couple of whom hadn’t spoken to us in many months.

    So you’re right about Lesson #2: getting rid of an emotional weight can be liberating to your creative potential. As time allows, I expect to soar, God willing!

    Also about Lesson #1: it’s enheartening to see a young leader in this business recognize the value of keeping up the personal connection. Quoting (I-can’t-remember-who): “People don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care.” You’re doing a good job with showing you care!

    Keep it up,

  93. Francisco Bermudez

    Anthony, I agreed with you as you go everybody is learning from you as a leader, I know that you are a succeed man.! But, god will bless you with everything you do in life for others.
    ( go to the church) am not saying that you don’t go you know.! But, there is only one god that everybody have to has faith.! I haven’t start my business online yet but, pretty soon i will i just have to decide what to sell or etc……

  94. Michael Rivera

    I know the filling I have been missing a lot of my family for a long time. Mostly
    because of being broke all the time. they are all scattered out between Florida, Alabama and Ohio. It takes a lot of money to travel those distances and I just can’t afford it. I try to stay connected on the internet or by phone but that gets expensive to
    Life, live it, you don’t have to like it but learn from it. Some times you have to miss the people and and things you love use that to learn how to stay in touch some thing all the money in the world can’t bring back. Real fiends and family are there more when you down. aka broke

  95. Robby-rob96run

    Anthony-your great! I try to keep up with everything you post-which is alot to keep up with…lol!!

    Next your system needs a tweekin’ because you keep telling us we need to sign up for this, and sign up for that, well this n that keeps getting me duplicate mailings-I have to keep deleting??

    Sorry but I thought someone needed to let you know.
    Keep up the good work…and I’m glad your changing your ways and are going to interact with us more directly-and not have tunnel vision. I know your very busy-but stop n smell the roses. Lesson learned-life is too short.
    I know you have a huge adgenda (too help the world be a better place) but you need to enjoy your life as well. God Bless you and yours Robby R rob96run

  96. Connie Johnson-Kline

    Family is SO important. I have just gone through about 3 years of the health issues of my husband. I was there for him everytime he needed me and still needs me. This has held me back from business but I will achieve my goals in good time. Your blog was very understandable and I appreciate you for sharing with us.

  97. Pierre Mocombe

    I do understand what you mean by “I miss my brother” and the message it carries. I have neglected to contact my brother thinking that all is well with him and his family but in reality he was going through some rough times. I not only think of him but I do think of his whole family as well. I will give him my support but it is very important that I remain impartial through it all.
    Again, thanks for sending this blog.

  98. chris

    dude the ether keeps you on point stay focused and love life to the fulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssstttttttttttt


  99. joshua ehrhardt

    I too have a brother that am not getting to hang out with anymore, and yes it is hard to accept because we were so close.

  100. Badi Bukas-Yakabuul

    Dear Anthony,
    When I saw the title of the message, I was so touched. The lessons are learned and hope that life would provide times to go beyond our limitations of all kinds. Thank you for being there for me. The bottom line is that a neighbour is not just another person I am called to love but she/he is my blood relative through Jesus-Christ’s blood.

  101. Gerald Lecher

    Anthony , family is the most important thing there is. stay in touch as much as you can. work will come along also. thanks for your out look on family needs.

  102. Melinda

    Business and making money can never be first priority in life. They are only “means to an end”. The end result is human relationships. Don’t live to work: work to live.

  103. Carol B

    What a powerful message ! ! ! Sorry, I don’t know how to follow the instruction to “Like” or to “Tweet” 🙂 I’m just a litle old lady from the typewriter and carbon paper days and Facebook scares me to death 🙂 My life has always been very private and I am not comfortable with the prospect of it being “out there” if you know what I mean :-/ “Reply” is easier for me. I realize I probably need to suck it up and learn all the modern things, but it is not easy. Even the words are so foreign that I just don’t understand it all. What I do understand, with my whole heart, is FAMILY ! ! ! Your comments touched me deeply. This world seems to pull us apart due to economic trials or physical limitations or any of the many other reasons that we live far away from each other. E-mail has helped me keep in touch with my six children and their mates:-), my twelve grandchildren and their mates:-), and my three great-grandchildren:-) and will help with the two more due in December, when they get here 🙂 Thank you for all your reminders and for taking the time to show us that you care about us and our families and our successes in life. I’m sure your parents and family members are very proud of you and love you very much, Anthony. AND, I just feel that God is smiling on you, too 🙂

  104. Mke

    Thanks, my brother and I have some work to do on our relationship. Trying to contact him to work it out. Resolution will help clear my mind.

  105. Yvonne White

    Anthony as you know family does count. I have a sick husband (Stroke , CHE, very weak) at this time. He needs me for health purposes, however he is getting better at this time. I know I am behind, but I want to stare from day one starting with all material. I have not read anything me brother and I miss you. I promise you I will catch up give me a chance. Give me all that is due to me so we can get back together again.

    Keep up the good works you have a freiwnd in Jesus my brother and one in me.

  106. Yvonne White

    I am trying to let you know abouit my husband who is very ill at this time. I want all of my materials from day one I will not disappoint you. You because you have been good to me. I want everything from day one I wil catch up and be a good student. Give me a second chance my brother in Christ. Is this my website? I do not think I created one. Be Blessed.

    Yvonne White

  107. Avril

    Was at your brothers seminar in Vancouver this weekend, it was excellent, and it was obvious that you and your brother and the rest of your family including your close friends and important to one another and its wonderful to see. Work is important but friends and family need to come first.

  108. Mady Buddington

    Thank you so much for all the information you send.
    I hope when you say “I’m sick” that it is minor and that your recovery
    will be quick.
    I’ve read both your books.
    Mady Buddington

  109. Katherine Rodriguez

    Anthony, family is our suport system, they encourge us when we are down, hug us when we cry, and laugh at our silly jokes that are not very funny.

    I do loose sleep, tossing and turning at night, my mind is preoccupided with thoughs of my son, he is in the Army and currently in the Middle East. I won’t get the chance to see him until July2012. Thank you Anthony

  110. Dwight Price

    Lately there has been a lot of dissension in our family some due to the economy,some due to the fact that we now have two members that needs close attention which causes some rifts to abound, but all in all family when it is said and done is the leading factor that should drive us forward second only to our love of the father.

  111. Yvonne Walker

    Gotta Love Family, it’s nice that the light bulb came on for you. Life is so much richer when it comes to FAMILY. Love the blog!

  112. Craig

    Finally am starting a website. very new and still learning. thanks for message. Family is one of motivations for starting my business with your products. To help and give back with time and fianancially to parents as they are getting older. They have helped me so much in my life when things have been tough that I wont to give back. Was not getting any closer to that with construction in this economy and am hoping this will get me there, thanks.

  113. Yvonne Walker

    I guess I should also tell you that I spent all day Sunday and every evening this week with your Brother…you wonder how, through the CD’s of learning. It’s a lot to absorbe but I’m looking forward to the day that I place my first ad!

  114. Joseph Mannix

    Anthony,I miss my family as well. I lost my parents at a young age. I’ve been on my own since I was 21.I lost my brother just recently,10 years ago. I here what you are saying Family goes a long way.

  115. Deborah Perkins

    Hi Anthony,

    I am late responding to this and other blog post you’ve recently posted. I am taking Online College and it keeps me very busy. I am almost too busy to the point that I wonder if I can continue it if I want to devote more time to becoming successful in Affiliate Marketing. Not sure what to do sometimes. I have 3 sisters (two are my step-sisters) and 2 brothers that I am lucky to see once a year. Actually, my sister and I haven’t seen each other in over a decade. My other 2 sisters I never see. I see my brothers about once a year or two years. We all live far away from each other, and I have no car or money to get on a plane to see them. So I think you are very blessed to be able to keep in very close touch and able to see each other as often as you do!! I wish I could do the same!! Hopefully, I will one day make enough money from this where I can hop on a plane to visit my siblings, and especially my sister B.J. who is my best friend in the world!!! I am just happy to know your brother is OK. I thought that something happened to him when I read the message!! Debbie

  116. Isabelle

    I’m very appreciative of your transparency and seemingly genuiness in who you are and want to me. I’m just at start. I just got your material and have so many distractions and disruptions it’s a bit overwhelming. Your post reminded me to step back and order my priorities. Thank you.

  117. Natalie Lee

    Yes, it can be very difficult juggling family (I take care of my Mom), looking for part-time work, and making time for my online internet marketing! I also get obsessed w/ reading, learning & online marketing so I know how you feel!!! I do try and make time for my family, or at least some of my family; others are too busy for me! But I appreciate you sharing your experiences with us as a lot of it relates to us all!!! Great to know you appreciate and spend time with your family. Family truly is most important!!!

  118. Theresa Walker

    We have children in Colorado, Iowa, and South Dakota that we never get to visit with. Our youngest 2 live here but it is not the same as it was when we could all get together. We can’t go to see the other ones because our youngest is very sick and we need to stick near home until he gets better. I miss them all very much and wise that I could have them back as out babies just for a few hours. Phone calls just never take the place of hugs.

  119. Karen Pressley

    Sorry Anthony I missed this one I was in Panama City Flordia on vacation. Be there for the next ones.

  120. Clara Chambles

    I love the fact that you felt the need to share what made you human, a loving, and caring person. Keep being human, and it will draw out the best in us as well. It directs us.

  121. Katheryn

    I am the mom “of a certain age” whose kids are eagerly demonstrating their independence that I so apply taught them…to my chagrin. It has been a tough year with many loses–divorce, foreclosure, death of a parent, two cars “dying”, unpredictable income. I don’t want to be burdensome to my kids as they stretch their wings, but I am not able to be the eagle parent who flies beneath the eaglet on those early flights…I feel more like I’ve crashed myself, and trying to soldier on….but I would love to know those in flight would circle back and encourage. It is encouraging that you are staying “connected” with your family.

  122. Anjara Alexi

    Anthony…I just joined your company(Fri..today is Mon.), and am still getting oriented. At the moment, I have a different challenge…connection is THE most important thing to me. I am looking for a way to be a success on-line marketer, get my message out (after discovering the form of it), and provide an example for people, as well as effective coaching on how to access success through Joy and following their Heart’s Intelligence.

    Your post was helpful to me. I saw the part about commitment, effective action, and balance, held within family/community..however those words resonate.

    I am looking foward to finding out more about the program, and becoming successful fast!


  123. Jesse Owens

    Anthony, I really enjoyed your blog post. It is right on track to helping us students advance. I look forward to hearing more & getting my own commissions coming in very soon. Thanks, Jesse

  124. Shawn

    I don’t miss my brother! I just spent 10 days in Alaska with my 6 brothers building a home for one of them and wow we had a blast! Working, laughing, talking, playing jokes on, and praying with these 6 men and our 14 sons was a once in a lifetime experience. Good thing that we do every year or we’d have to say that “I miss my brother”.

  125. Susan

    Thanks for the article. Great advice. We must not get so busy “succeeding” that we fail to live and enjoy life.

  126. Ken Anderson

    Wow! The honesty and humility that is reflected in that post proves that you possess real wealth Anthony…wealth that money cannot ever buy. Unfortunately, most people chase money all their lives withou realizing it. You made real money with me with this post.

  127. aida suarez

    Morris, you had written many blogs, but this is the winner so far! Thanks for the great awakaning! We are seven sisters, but I had only one brother. He is gone to the Lord when still young tragically. I miss him dearly. We were so closed when he was young. I have sis sisters they are all still alive, and I miss them so much. I try to keep in touch with them because this make me so relaxed. Keep having happy thoughts to send on as blogs.And have a great time in Washington DC. I been there many, many times! And yes! The is the center of politics in the making. Thanks!

  128. Fred

    yeah I know its November 14 and i barely read this blog post. I seen it before but didn’t pay much attention. I looked at it again today and hit me in the head like a ton of bricks! Its so true. Take time out for your loved ones. They are why we are trying to build these crazy online businesses right?

  129. Marla Banta

    You are so right. I don’t see my family or close friends post any more. Just like YOU never clicked “like” on any of MY post. FB is only ONE sorce. Keep inspiring. Some day if I get more people to buy my Personalized Childrens Books I will be able to do your program. It seems to be the perfect way to keep from loosing my home.

  130. danna seale

    Anthony, I could relate to what you said about family. I lived in the city for 40 years, having a husband and sons nearby. After years of marriage, my husband was gone and my boys had married. My brother asked if I would like to move closer to my mom. What a great move! The best move I ever made! And being close to my brother again (and my daughter who lives not far away), made it a great decision. Now my brother is having health problems, and I am there for him, just like with Mother. I am returning the favors that he has done for me. Family is the best!

  131. jan kesler

    I miss my brother was a reminder that I too get too involved in my daily routine and do not make contact with my family and friends

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