Grab The Customer You Want

Author: admin Affiliate Marketing, Facebook Marketing Tips

So we all know that affiliate marketing isn’t the “easiest” thing in the world. I am sure you can all find other jobs, businesses and activities that are probably easier than affiliate marketing. With that said I think it’s also important to realize how easy it is when compared to the revenue you can generate from it. Working at home, sitting on my computer, marketing other people’s products and earning money is a lot easier than being the CEO of some major corporation, and I probably make close to the same money. So when you put it in perspective it’s not really “that hard”, right?

Anyway the goal of this post is to share with you one thing that you absolutely must do as an affiliate. You have to target the customer YOU want and ONLY that customer. You don’t get paid when people just browse around you need them purchasing things so you can earn commissions. One of the easiest ways I have found to really refine and target your audience is to use Facebook as a marketing platform.

Remember when you sign up on Facebook they ask you just about every questions you could possible dream of about yourself which is a marketers dream. Now as an advertisers on Facebook you can target by things such as age, gender, relationship status, college, education level, city, state, hobbies, interest and so much more. This makes targeting that exact customer pretty easy.

Over the next few weeks I am going to share some really cool Facebook marketing tips with you so it’s best you don’t miss any of the blogs coming your way…

Here’s my tip for this week.

Use the Facebook “Birthday” feature. This allows you to target people on their birthday’s. So let’s say you have an ad running that says something like:

Happy Birthday
Click here for your gift

Now the ONLY people that will see this are people who login to Facebook on their birthday’s. This allows you to use “happy birthday” in your ad and really increase your click through ratios….. go use it! Check back next week for more tips!


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**NOTE – YOU MUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS TO WIN  … you have to complete all 4 steps to be entered to win the $50 so make sure you do it all… it only takes seconds. And I really want to know what YOU want me to teach you about Internet marketing.


  1. Brandon Finley

    Hello Anthony

    I just want o know what the most effective way to get many friends quickly on facebook so you have an audience to advertise products and services too?

  2. Tom Koshiol

    I’ve never advertised on Facebook. Please explain step-by-step how to start. Also, please show step-by-step how to do free advertising on Facebook.



  4. Tom Koshiol

    Twitter does not allow auto-follow programs or a lot of spam. Please explain how to use Twitter for free advertising without having your account cancelled for aggressive following or spamming.

  5. Joshua Zamora

    Now that is a sweet tip!!! Never thought
    Of that!

    Looking forward to upcoming posts!

  6. Tim Davidson

    Step Bystep instuctions…
    I.Create squeeze page
    2. Create web page
    3. Hosting & domain
    4. Auto-responder
    5.Drive traffic LGS
    This would help all new people in getting started on a limited budget so they could afford to upgrade and actually use there free website and maybe go to MSA. pay it forward…

  7. Brenda Zeider

    Thanks! This is an awesome idea!!! More ideas like this would be very helpful.

  8. Alberta Banks

    Anthony, I would like to know how the money will be made by advertising on facebook. Should I have the facebook readers to click on my website or what should I do? I probably should invest in you learning class, but I don’t have any money. As a matter of fact I need to make some money fast. I am creating a sewing and alteration business and I cannot advertise to get business. Please help me even if I have to pay you when I make money.

    Alberta Banks

  9. thelma Mcfarland

    Anthony, thanks a million for giving me a new beginning. I need help setting up a market campaign on facebook. I know nothing about internet marketing,and financing is very limited. I have faith,confidence,and time.I have faith in what you are doing to help others .

  10. Alan

    Great tip. Look forward to seeing next weeks post. Thanks for all your help.

  11. Ladiana

    Nice tip! What I want you to teach me: tips on driving traffic to site(s). Thanks for all you’re doing. 🙂

  12. Isobel Jacobs

    Again thank you for each of your blogs, but for those of us who have limited to no knowledge about social networking, step by step instructions would be helpful. I know! Rome was not built in a day and some of us like myself may take a bit longer than others to absorbe the info.I will continue to read your blogs and one day it will all come to gether.


  13. Samuel Yeh

    Hi Anthony,
    I want to learn how to build effective and professional landing/squeeze pages.

  14. Darryl

    Hi Anthony,
    I like this little promotion. I would like to know more about link building. The only way to get page rank with Google is to build links to your site! What can you tell us about that?!

  15. Ernestine Emery

    I have two websites now just have to get traffic started there way – I really
    enjoy your blogs Anthony – One day maybe I can be a blogger myself
    Can you give us a good blog on traffic generation to websites?

  16. rob

    would like to know how to figure out what are the top selling products

  17. heidi johnson

    would like to know what age groups to target and figure out what products they like.

  18. brenda ducaine

    Very limited knowledge on social networking. Would like a clearer understanding on how to use. Also how to decide on what to market.
    Thanks for all you do.

  19. Velma hall

    I don’t know what to do next. I am doing some rereading. I like the Happy Birthday Idea and will try that . I’m glad you are patient. Thank you.

  20. Mary

    I would like step by step how to generate income online by using the media. Thank-you

  21. Freida Young

    Hi Anthony,
    Thanks for the training videos! Can you teach me more about how I can check and make sure that I posted the ads correctly enough for the search engines like Yahoo, Google, etc. to be linked back to my website for potential payment to me? I just want to get started right, and I know that I can do that with your help Anthony! Thanks



    Hello Anthony

    I’ve been reading “The Hidden Millionaire” for this past week n is very interesting.
    My question is: how can I maki money fast? and how the money is send? I’m willing to learn but I do not know anything about internet

  23. Debra

    Hi!, Anthony,

    Can’t enter you drawing for $50 this time as I have not as yet learned about facebook or twitter.

    I do get your newsletter, though.

    As far as “what I want you to teach me”………..everything!…I’m just getting started.


  24. Sharon Davidson

    I would like you to give a page or two? telling me what everything means…like (copied from Tim Davidson’s (no relation) reply)
    I.Create squeeze page/ landing page – guess they are the same thing but exactly what is it?; 2. Create web page – how many can we have or do we need?; 3. Hosting & domain – what is it & what is it used for?;
    4. Auto-responder – what’s this?; 5.Drive traffic LGS – what’s LGS.
    Remember, there are a lot of us who know nothing about the internet or what acronyms stand for. We do not know HOW to do anything, including how to navigate on the internet.
    Sharon Davidson

  25. Valeah

    Im new to this whole thing..I seen web pag’es in my email to “sign up and make money instantly” so i signed up.(who wouldn’t?) but i spent my money and I don’t know what to do..I tried the facebook thing but they there anyway around paying for advertisement when your just starting out??

  26. Maria

    Hi Anthony, thanks for contact me…I would really appreciate learning how to make money in the internet….I love marketing!!!! thanks…

  27. Stacey Terry

    Thanks for the Facebook tip.

    How can we advertise on a limited budget or without any extra money?

  28. Amy Hoge

    There are some great suggestions already looking through the 42 posts, I’m looking forward to hearing about all of them. I’m very new to this whole thing so if you could teach us step by step like we were in 1st grade I’d greatly appreciate it. 🙂 Thanks Anthony for taking your time to do so.

  29. John Morrison

    To be honest I bought your program only because we had the same last name, at first I ignored your emails but recently started reading them and am starting to gain interest. I want you to teach me how to be succesfull doing what you do from step 1

  30. lewie bibb

    I would like to know how to spend less and how to turn advertising ads into profits on internet in ppc marketing, tne steps necessary.

  31. Leon

    Thanks Anthony for all you do. Would like to learn how market using flyers and emails. I have a vista print site. How can I use a market plan from that site.

  32. Gwen Gantt

    Facebook sounds good, so I will await more info in the future. Do you think I can create my own website using MS Office Publisher? or maybe it would be better to use a friend who knows how & is willing to help? I have ideas for at least 6 sites and 6 domain names. Or should I focus on blogging and/or blogsites?? Thanks A.M., you are the greatest!

  33. Jill Doerr

    Tell me how to make my landing page nicer, a place where users want to stay. Also how do I get affiliates to approve me when I am so new?

  34. HKrambo

    I was kicked off face-book. Recent e-mails from face-book team asks where am I etc. I don’t figure to use it or twitter but I do use your advice on my off line work. Like your video lesson on ads eg. The “Your Wife Is Hot” billboard. I’ll be 78 on the 26th. Striving to make millions is not my bag but making a good living and being comfortable without touching my investments mutual funds etc. is important.You are the best.

  35. Sheri caruso

    Great tip but I would like to know more about free advertising. I believe that would help those just getting started like myself who really need some income.

  36. Barbara moore

    hi anthony thank you for all the blogs you sent me and i like what said and you are a very good teacher .and they is a good idea about facebook .and just advertise you biirthday and drive the traffic in thank you anthony i do not miss any of your blog they help me a lot .and you teach well keep on teaching anthony and i will keep on learning.

  37. Ruben Penate

    Very interesting your tip. Although I haven’t advertised in FC, I’m gonna try since now on. What I want you to teach me or recommend to me is what can I do with Google Adwords now that they just suspended my account for recurrent violations?

  38. Yolanda Carroll

    Your blogs are so informative & detailed I suggest you keep doing what you’re doing :). The consistent communication is KEY. We need to continually hear from you since the teaching arena is virtual. You are doing a tremendous service to all of us who are interested in online advertising/marketing. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!

  39. Jeanne Mausure

    365 Days is the clearest and most simple step by step explanation of affiliate marketing and/or eCommerce! At first I thought it was TOO simple and then I realized that I try to jump into projects that I can just breeze through. NOT! At least not in the world of technology. I grew up “watching” the radio and then finally we had a 6″ TV -B&W! I’m a jewelry designer, classical pianist and love to cook so I didn’t think there was a place for me in technology!(also 69 years young) HELLO!!! Every time I turn on the TV someone is either cooking or selling jewelry!!! Then I found Anthony on line and he made me feel like I COULD do this!
    I purchased 365 Days@Thanksgiving and finally got to it 20 days ago! GO FOR IT!!! He even has a special offer right now! JJ

  40. BonitaJ

    I would like to know step by step how to advertise on Facebook. From phase one and on.

  41. Debbi Wright

    Hi Anthony,

    Hope this note finds you doing well. Looking forward to class in Utah the first week of April! It will be my last in the series!

    I have been learning the ‘landing pages’.

    Debbi in AZ

  42. Jesus Tobon

    A am ready to begin advertising on Facebook. My question is: if I have two different products in my WEB: Real State investments and Quality Control (Lean Enteprise inplementation), Can I advertise this in only one web or it is better in two different WEBs?

  43. Elizabeth W. Smith

    Good afternoon Anthony,
    It’s interesting reading the various comments and questions. I’m eager to get started and to earn money is essential. I’m sorry to say that I have been badly scammed and earning an income is number one. I think a dictionary of terms used in “computer language” would be very helpful!!!!
    I am in need to be successful and looking forward to realizing a dream coming true. You are a good teacher (I hear!) and I’m looking forward to getting what I need to have my dreams come true . . soon.

  44. Irma Irizarry

    Hi Anthony
    I just want to say that I strongly recommend your program.The great thing about it is that im not alone
    There is a great team that always is there to help me every time I need it. I want to thank you.

  45. Dan B

    With so much good info & in step 1 you say get educated, just where in your education do you start doing but still continue being educated? it all tends to get a little confusing as just where & when to just start.

    Regards Dan B

  46. queen

    Hi Anthony,
    Thanks for the encouraging email you have been sending to me.
    I have no experience what soever in affiliate marketing and free advertising on the internet I would like some help with it. I have tried so many systems before and nothing seems to work for me. So Anthony I would love for you to help me step by step to understand this process. Looking for you next email.
    Thank You.

  47. Lori

    Hi Anthony, how you doing? I don’t have a website yet, how do I get one? & whats the first thing I need to do to get started?

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