With more than 700 Craigslist sites worldwide, and more than 50 million daily queries, Craigslist is definitely a giant marketplace for the sale of items locally. Whether you’re trying to get rid of a few unused items, or you’re engaging in a business to buy and sell products locally, Craigslist is a great resource.
You can just take a stab at Craigslist and start throwing out ads, but there are several risks involved. There are a lot of scams going on because there are so many items for sale through people of all types and levels of Internet expertise. Most of them are not marketers, just people trying to sell or buy something. This leads to those more Web-savvy taking advantage of the situation.
We help our students to understand the ways in which they can be scammed and to avoid them. This includes money transfer, money wiring and up-front money scams. Other seemingly harmless things like “click here” links can take you to places you didn’t expect nor want to be. And, if it seems too good to be true, or if pay seems high for the item or service, then it probably is too good to be true.
If you’re in the buying mode, Craigslist is an amazing resource. Using the search capabilities of Craigslist, and even creating custom RSS feeds for searches, you can tailor your own online “personal shopper,” searching the entire marketplace for very specific items you’ve defined and delivering the listings to you. It’s also a super comparison shopping resource. If you’re wondering what something is worth, perhaps because you have an opportunity to buy it, searching for comparable items on Craigslist will locate them for comparison shopping.
Craigslist can also provide a marketing tool for those who don’t really have the ultimate goal to sell or buy on the sites. Marketers can use Craigslist as a testing resource to test the results of different campaigns that you are running elsewhere or plan to run. It’s a huge marketplace, and you can use the search tools to segment markets and prospects and market your test ads to them, as it’s absolutely free. You can find out which words and images work best there before you must pay for your ad placement elsewhere.
Our Craigslist marketing course is a complete and detailed instruction set for every aspect of buying and selling on Craigslist, including tools and tips to do so efficiently and without falling into scam traps. We even show you how to avoid some of the traps Craigslist itself places in the path of marketers who want to be aggressive in their ad placements.